
Are you frustrated with using medication to manage the pain of spinal subluxation and desire a more natural alternative? If so, consider subluxation treatment with one of our qualified chiropractors. Read on to learn everything you need to know.

What Is Subluxation?


The subluxation definition describes the condition when a joint dislocates partially. This condition may sound scary, but it’s pretty common. It can occur in any joints located in the wrists, shoulders, knees, and feet.

Spinal subluxations are the most common, and they can take the form of lumbar subluxation (in the lower back) or cervical spine subluxation (subluxation of neck region).

Subluxation Symptoms

Are you unsure if you have a subluxated spine? One of our chiropractors can make a formal diagnosis via a comprehensive evaluation of your spine.

However, the issue may come to your attention first. Be aware of the following symptoms of a subluxated spine:


Headaches are often the first signs of subluxation. They result from a build-up of pressure that has no way to release itself.

Patients most commonly describe these headaches as “tension headaches.” They tend to begin randomly and can develop into migraine headaches.

Difficulty Moving Around

Are you an avid runner or exercise enthusiast? If so, subluxation can make it difficult to participate in moderate and intense physical activity.

Even if you don’t hit the gym very often, a subluxated spine will make it difficult to perform everyday tasks. Walking to your cubicle or taking out the trash may have once been second nature. Now, you may dread these tasks because of how much pain they inflict.

A subluxated spine can cause your body to become stiff and inflexible, making even simple movements challenging.

Patients report feeling a loss of the range of motion they once enjoyed, which explains why they can’t move as easily as they once did.

Localized Pain in the Back or Neck

One of the most apparent symptoms of a subluxated spine is localized pain in the back or neck. This pain doesn’t just come and go — patients describe it as chronic physical discomfort.

The pain you endure may not be the same type someone else experiences. For example, you may feel mild, nagging discomfort. Another patient may experience such debilitating pain that they find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning.

What Causes Subluxation of the Spine?

Subluxation of the neck and back can result because of the following factors:


Physical trauma is one of the leading causes of subluxation. Most obviously, major traumas like a fall, sports injury, or vehicle accident can cause subluxation of the back or neck.

However, large-scale traumas aren’t the only culprits. Smaller-scale “micro” traumas that occur in your everyday life can lead to this condition. Some examples include:

  • Wearing a heavy purse or bag exclusively on one side of your body
  • Looking up or down at a computer for extended periods
  • Wearing high heels or shoes with little support (like flats)
  • Sleeping on your stomach instead of your back

Performing these tasks every once in a while won’t cause any long-term issues. However, they will present problems when you allow them to develop into habits.

Bodily Chemistry

Natural and artificial chemicals make up the body that you’ve come to know and love. Your body’s system is in a state of homeostasis when all of these chemicals are in balance. However, problems will arise with prolonged exposure to processed foods, cigarette smoke, air pollution, and chemicals from cleaning sprays.

These additives may not seem like big deals. Fast food is an American staple, and your roommate may smoke cigarettes as he pleases. But, if you don’t moderate your exposure to these additives, your body’s chemical balance will suffer.

A chemical imbalance can cause your muscles to contract. It can also adversely affect your muscle tone, eventually leading to subluxation in the neck or back.


stress subluxation

If you haven’t taken time to stop and smell the roses lately, you may be one of subluxation’s victims.

Think of all the stress you carry: familial obligations, work duties, chores at home. These stressful feelings create tension in your body, most often in your upper back and neck. When these muscles tighten, your spine may become subluxated.

How Does a Chiropractor Treat Subluxation of the Back & Neck?

Some patients will attempt to manage subluxation at home with stretching routines, better sleeping habits, ice packs, and de-stressing techniques.

These methods may offer temporary relief, but it’s best to seek the help of a qualified chiropractor.

One of our professionals will implement the following treatment methods:

  • A closed reduction: A closed reduction is when a chiropractor moves your spine back into position. The medical practitioner works gently and has years of training and experience to ensure you’re comfortable throughout the process.
  • A brace: Your chiropractor may recommend you wear a back brace temporarily. This corrective device will support and stabilize the spine, reducing the discomfort that subluxation causes.
  • Rehabilitation: You may need to revisit your chiropractor for multiple readjustments to restore your back to regain stability, strength, and mobility in your back.

Following any treatment plan with one of our chiropractors, you won’t have any discomfort or pain. You may experience slight aching or mild soreness, but these symptoms show that the treatment is working.

Are you unsure if you have a subluxated spine? Get in touch with one of our chiropractors to make an appointment. During your initial visit, we’ll evaluate your spine’s condition. We’ll use our assessment to determine the location of your subluxation and its severity. From there, we’ll create a customized treatment plan to help you live a pain-free life.

Do You Require Spinal Subluxation Treatment? We Are Here!

Are you currently subluxated and seeking treatment? Contact Dr. Doug today. He’ll address subluxation neck and subluxation back issues to help you become active and enjoy living life to the fullest. Book your first appointment today!

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