Why Am I Sore After Chiropractor Visits? 

“Why am I sore after chiropractic visits?” you may ask. Whether you need to recover from an accident, have back pain from working at home in an uncomfortable chair, or simply want to maintain good health, seeing a chiropractor can do wonders for you. But the experience of a chiropractic adjustment might not be what you expect, especially if you feel worse after the visit. 

We’ll get this out of the way first: It’s totally normal and common to feel sore after chiropractor visits, especially if you’re new to this type of care. For most people, any soreness is temporary, and the more frequently you see the doctor, the less likely you will have any side effects from treatment. Still, because it can be alarming to feel more—or new—pain and discomfort after an adjustment, this post explains why it happens and what you can do to reduce soreness. 

Is It Normal To Be Sore After Chiropractor Appointments? 

Chiropractic adjustments, or spinal manipulation, involve the doctor using their hands and devices to apply force on your spinal joints to restore proper alignment. With proper spinal alignment, your spine and body can move and function as they should. 

The intensity of the spinal adjustments varies depending on the extent of your misalignment, how long the spine has been out of position, and the individual doctor’s approach. The more extreme the adjustment, the more likely you’ll feel sore after the chiropractor visit. Some people even bruise after treatment due to the intensity of the adjustment. 

Several factors can make you feel sore after getting treatment at the chiropractor’s office. 

Engaging Understimulated Muscles 

When your body feels out of balance, you tend to use the same muscles every day while others go unused. Adjusting the spine engages the underused and understimulated muscles, which can cause soreness in the first day or two. As your body acclimates to using all its muscles, they get stronger and less likely to feel sore after an adjustment. 

Balancing Overstimulated Muscles 

The muscle adaptation that occurs when your spine falls out of alignment can also cause overstimulated muscles, which might feel sore or painful before the visit. A spinal adjustment creates better balance, alleviating the strain on the overused tissue and distributing the load to all the muscles. This improved balance helps reduce pain in time, but you might continue to have some soreness while the damaged muscle fibers heal.

It Takes Time To Adjust to Alignment 

Living with a misaligned spine can cause you to eventually get used to the feeling; some people might not experience any discomfort at all because the state of their spine feels normal to them. They may only realize this issue when a chiropractor adjusts their joints. A significant change like this can cause short-term soreness as your body adjusts to its new position. 

Adjusting to the correct spinal position can also trigger changes in the flow of chemicals throughout your body and cause a headache. In general, the longer you go without addressing spinal alignment, the more likely you will feel sore after chiropractor visits, at least at first. 

Other Side Effects of Chiropractic Care 

Because chiropractic treatments are drug-free, they don’t typically have the same number or severity of side effects as other treatments. Still, some individuals report issues in addition to soreness after adjustments, mostly from internal changes to the body as it moves toward proper function. 

Some of these temporary side effects include:


Some patients report feeling excessively tired after an adjustment. The consensus among doctors reveals that fatigue comes from your body fighting off the toxic chemicals released from your joints during the adjustment. When you hear a popping sound (called cavitation), for example, it means your joints release carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and oxygen, which your body then works to get rid of. 


Some people develop symptoms that feel like a cold or flu after an adjustment. When this happens, you aren’t actually ill, but realigning your spine triggers your immune system to fight off any viruses or bacteria in your body. You would likely get sick even without an adjustment, but the treatment simply sped up the process and can help you get better sooner. 

Digestive Issues 

Health professionals note a direct connection between your digestive system and the vertebrae in your lower back. So it’s common for a chiropractic adjustment to cause a temporary change to your bathroom habits, especially if you already have IBS or constipation issues. 

For most people, soreness occurs within 24 hours of an adjustment and only lasts for a day or two. Call the doctor if the pain lasts longer than a few days or worsens.

Reducing the Risk of Discomfort After an Adjustment 

Although some patients feel sore after chiropractor visits, it doesn’t have to happen. You can reduce the risk of this “side effect” by taking care of yourself before and after the appointment.

Drink Plenty of Water

Did you know that most people don’t drink enough water? Drinking plenty of water throughout the day plays a critical role in avoiding dehydration and supporting your overall health, including how much pain and fatigue you experience. Chiropractors recommend increasing your fluid intake before and after your appointment to reduce the risk of soreness. 

When you stay hydrated, your body can eliminate toxins more quickly, helping prevent spinal adjustment-related discomfort. Your muscles and joints also remain lubricated and move more easily. 

Eat a Healthy Diet

Like drinking water, eating nutrient-rich, healthy food is critical to your overall well-being. It’s especially important to make healthy choices after a chiropractic adjustment since the nutrients help your muscles heal faster, reducing your pain.

Get Rest

Take it easy and get a good night’s sleep after a chiropractic adjustment to help your body heal. The more intense the adjustment, the more your muscles need to recover, and sleep offers one of the best ways to support the natural healing process. 

Perform Some Light Stretches 

Gentle stretches can help reduce soreness and prevent stiff muscles. Ask your doctor for some suggestions on safe stretches that will help you stay limber and prevent pain. 

Stay Consistent

It can be tempting to avoid the chiropractor if you leave your session feeling like you went ten rounds with Mike Tyson, but you need to stay on track with your treatment plan. The more you get into proper alignment—and stay there—the less further adjustments will hurt.

Visit Sunrise Chiropractic for the Best Chiropractic Care in Sacramento, CA

Chiropractic care can help improve your quality of life by reducing pain, improving your range of motion and mobility, reducing inflammation, and even improving your mood—even after just one visit. Your doctor will work with you to develop a customized treatment plan that addresses your current issues and helps keep them from returning. 

If concerns about feeling sore after chiropractor visits keep you from getting help, discuss them with a doctor. They can alleviate your worries and offer tips on how to reduce and manage any discomfort after a visit.

For effective and compassionate chiropractic care in the Sacramento, CA, area, call (916) 727-6400 to make an appointment with Dr. Doug Loehrer at Sunrise Chiropractic. We can help you achieve optimal health and lasting pain relief. 

How Long Are Chiropractic Appointments?

If you’re considering chiropractic manipulation to relieve pain and improve your range of motion, you probably want to know what to expect, especially if you’ve never sought chiropractic treatment before. As Sacramento’s provider of chiropractic care, our team at Sunrise Chiropractic often gets questions from new patients like “how long does a chiropractic adjustment take?” 

So, how long are chiropractic appointments? The answer depends on your condition, what you want to achieve, and the treatment method needed. Dive into the details below to learn what to expect from a chiropractic appointment.  

How Long Are Chiropractic Appointments?

Like other healthcare appointments, your first chiropractic appointment will begin with a general examination. Your chiropractor will review your medical history and current health status before asking you about the condition you wish to treat. While chiropractors usually focus on spinal manipulations, some treatments may benefit pain in the legs and shoulders as well.

Next, they’ll discuss a treatment plan that might include specific manipulation techniques and exercises you can do at home. They’ll perform the manipulations at the practice. For any at-home exercises, you should receive specific instructions on how to do them, what they should feel like, and how long to perform each exercise.  

Conditions Chiropractic Adjustments May Help

Chiropractic treatments target several issues. Common injuries that may benefit from a chiropractic adjustment often occur from car wrecks, falls, work-related strains, aging, and previous injuries.

You might seek treatment for specific conditions, such as:

During your first appointment, your chiropractor will help you pinpoint the exact source and cause of your pain and limited mobility. This information will help them develop a treatment plan according to your needs and comfort. 

What to Expect During the First Chiropractic Appointment

how long are chiropractic appointments

How long are chiropractic appointments, especially the first ones? You should expect your first visit to last between 45 minutes to an hour at most. Your initial visit often takes longer than subsequent visits since you must complete the patient intake process and consult with your chiropractor. 

At some chiropractors’ offices, you can download your paperwork from the website. You can fill it out from home and bring it to your consultation visit. This process may shorten your appointment, saving you some time. 

How long does the chiropractor take during the consultation? The initial consultation may take 15 to 30 minutes.

During the consultation, your chiropractor must learn about your injury and general health in-depth before designing a treatment plan.  They will ask you lots of questions about your health, your injury, and the circumstances surrounding it.

You may also participate in a series of assessments. Some injuries require an X-ray of the affected area to determine the injury’s position and how it affects your body. Other assessments include:

  • Posture analysis
  • Reflex analysis
  • Palpitations
  • Range of motion testing

Once they learn the scope of your needs, your chiropractor may begin adjustments and manipulations during the first visit. Your first adjustments may take five to ten minutes. The initial treatments may also help your chiropractor better understand your comfort levels and how well you can move.

What Does a Chiropractic Session Include?

After your initial consultation and adjustment session, each subsequent appointment won’t last as long. However, most patients require more frequent visits for the first few months. You might attend up to four appointments during the first two weeks of treatment.

The appointments during the first month typically last between 15 and 30 minutes. Your chiropractor may ask questions about your progress. Then, they will begin a series of adjustments to improve your progress.

For the following two months, your chiropractor might reduce your appointments. While the frequency ultimately depends on your injury’s severity, most patients only visit two or three times weekly, with appointments lasting only 30 minutes or less. With routine visits, you will start noticing significant pain reduction, increased range of motion, and increased comfort.

After two to three months, you will attend maintenance appointments lasting around 15 minutes once every other week. Depending on your progress, your chiropractor may suggest more or fewer treatments. Maintenance appointments keep your pain at bay while ensuring your mobility continues improving. 

How Long Does a Chiropractic Adjustment Last?

Each adjustment should only take a couple of minutes. However, most chiropractors use a series of adjustments or manipulations that may take ten minutes.

Initial adjustments may take longer so your chiropractor can gauge your flexibility and comfort levels. Chiropractic manipulations should not cause sharp or sudden pain. However, you might experience some discomfort afterward.

How long is a chiropractic session? After your first appointment, the average chiropractic session should take no longer than 30 minutes. Most sessions only take about 15 minutes each.

Since most chiropractors taper the number of visits as their patients progress, your treatment will take less of your time with each passing week. Additionally, you may avoid taking pain medications or invasive procedures like surgeries. Thus, you typically don’t have to worry about downtime after an appointment. 

What You Can Do to Improve Your Treatment Results

Our patients often wonder what they can do to make their results last longer. Typically, your chiropractor can help you develop a personalized at-home plan based on your treatment to increase your progress. However, we often recommend the following habits to many patients:

  • Stay aware of your posture and adjust when necessary.
  • Take walks after long periods of sitting. 
  • Do a few routine stretches in the morning and evening. 
  • Refrain from heavy lifting, especially without adequate help.

Pain reduction and increased mobility require consistent movement to improve circulation and muscle function without strain. 

Discover Relief with Reputable Chiropractors in the Sacramento Area

How long are chiropractic appointments? The answer depends on where you are in your treatment and the injury you sustained. However, a reputable chiropractor will design treatments that reduce your time at the practice each week.

If you have other questions about chiropractic care, please call Sunrise Chiropractic today. 

Why Does My Body Ache When I Wake Up

Do you ever wake up in the morning and feel like every muscle in your body is sore? Or do you often wonder: why does my body ache when I wake up? 

You’re not alone. Statistics show that 1 in 10 Americans wake up sore every morning. Waking up with body aches can drain the energy and positivity out of your day. Furthermore, if you don’t address the soreness and discomfort, the chances are that they will escalate into fatigue, undermining your overall productivity. 

This blog post explores why people experience body aches when waking up and recommends an effective solution to the problem. Keep reading for more information. 

6 Common Reasons for Waking Up With Body Aches

Type of Pillow

Why am I so sore when I wake up? If you often ask yourself this question in the morning, the culprit could be the pillow you sleep on every night. 

If the pillow has no contours or curves, your head may not get sufficient support. The chances are that your head sinks into the pillow when you sleep, causing morning stiffness that you often feel in the neck and spine. 

You can avoid uncomfortable stiffness by investing in a contoured pillow that provides sufficient support for your shoulders, neck, and head. Ensure the pillow is as thick as the distance between the outside shoulder and your ear. Such a pillow will adequately support your neck and head alignment. 

Mattress Quality

According to the Sleep Foundation, sleeping on a low-quality mattress is among the top reasons for waking up to body aches. Some of the features of a poor-quality mattress include the following:

  • Age
  • Sagging 
  • Poor support
  • Dust and allergen buildup

Consider replacing your mattress if it’s over seven to ten years old without good support. Answering these questions when shopping for a new mattress will help you choose the best one for your needs:

  • Do you need a mattress that helps ease back pain?
  • Do you want a mattress with exceptional point relief?
  • Which mattress will provide better support for your weight?

Sleep Posture

Why does my body hurt when I wake up? The answer could be poor sleep posture. It often causes shoulder, neck, and back pain, which can persist throughout the day. 

Maintaining neutral spinal alignment is critical while sleeping to minimize the risk of morning pain. The following sleeping postures will keep your spine in a position that causes the least strain and stress on the body, preventing pain:

  • Side sleeper: If you often sleep on your side, place a pillow between the knees and keep your legs and hips aligned. The pillow should not be too thick to avoid exerting strain and pressure on your spine. 
  • Back sleeper: If you usually sleep on your back, put a pillow below your knees. This practice helps ease pressure on the lower back and ensure proper spinal alignment. 
  • Stomach sleeper: You should avoid sleeping on your stomach as it exerts too much stress and pressure on the spine, causing neck and back pain. 

Excessive Weight

Why do my muscles hurt when I wake up? This question is common among overweight persons. Being overweight puts much stress and pressure on your muscles and joints. 

The more your weight, the harder your body needs to work. Unhealthy eating, a sedentary lifestyle, and lack of exercise usually go hand-in-hand with excessive weight. 

These factors can aggravate the issue of waking up with a sore body. Due to excess weight and lack of exercise, unused muscles become tough, stiff and susceptible to injuries. 

Excessive Exercise

Regular exercise is essential for your overall health. However, working your muscles leads to tearing, and they grow stronger as they repair. 

During this process, you may experience sore muscles when waking up. The soreness often wears off within a few days. The soreness sometimes results from an injury or lack of warming up or stretching. 

Existing Medical Conditions

Why does my body ache when I wake up? Why am I sore when I wake up? If you have an underlying medical issue, you’ve probably asked either of these questions several times. 

Waking up with aches and sore muscles could indicate various underlying medical issues, including the following:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Arthritis
  • Pneumonia
  • Anemia
  • Lupus
  • Dehydration
  • Infection or virus
  • Stress or anxiety disorder
  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Histoplasmosis
  • Lyme disease

Some of these conditions are temporary, and you can easily find treatment. However, others can be serious and require lifestyle changes and lifelong medication. It’s advisable to consult a medical professional when you persistently experience body aches and soreness in the morning. 

Waking up with body aches can negatively impact your mental well-being and overall health. The first step to treating the morning aches is determining the cause. An experienced medical professional can help you find the cause of pain in your neck, back, shoulders, feet, and other areas of your body and recommend the best solution. 

Can a Chiropractor Help with Morning Body Aches?

Chiropractic adjustments can help you find long-term relief if your body hurts when you wake up. These treatments help improve and correct your posture to ease pressure in your neck and middle and lower back. 

A chiropractor can help improve joint and spine movements using various techniques. After the adjustments, you will no longer worry about waking up to uncomfortable soreness and stiffness. 

Besides recommending the best sleeping position for your spine, the chiropractor may assess your mattress and pillow to see if they are the reasons behind your morning aches and suggest better options. 

Highly Experienced Chiropractors in the Sacramento Area

Why does my body ache when I wake up? Now that you have the answer to this question, you should find a reputable chiropractor to help you deal with your morning aches. 

If you are looking for reliable chiropractic services in the Sacramento area, look no further than Sunrise Chiropractic. 

With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Doug Loehrer of Sunrise Chiropractic prides himself on offering high-quality chiropractic care to athletes, weekend warriors, families, and other patients in Citrus Heights, CA. 

So, does your body hurt when you wake up and seek long-term relief? If so, contact Dr. Doug Loehrer at (916) 727-6400 to schedule a consultation to see if chiropractic treatment can help relieve your morning body aches.

Why Does My Body Pop At a Chiropractor?

If you’re like most people, the thought of going to a chiropractor makes your body tense up. You may be wondering what to do before a chiropractor adjustment. Will it hurt? And why does my body pop at the chiropractor?

This post explores what happens during a chiropractic adjustment. You will learn why your body makes the popping noise and its importance for maintaining overall health. 

What Is A Chiropractic Adjustment?

A chiropractic adjustment, also called spinal manipulation or joint manipulation, fixes a subluxation or bony misalignment. It is a common treatment for lower back pain. 

A chiropractic adjustment involves the chiropractor manipulating the vertebrae with abnormal movement patterns or function. The objective is to relieve subluxation, enhance the range of motion, relieve nerve irritability, and promote function. 

The chiropractor will place you in a specific position to treat the affected area during a chiropractic adjustment. You’ll often lay on your belly on a specially designed, well-padded chiropractic table

Your chiropractor will push the joint beyond its normal range of motion by applying a controlled, firm motion with the hands. The joints may produce a cracking or popping sound as they move during the adjustment process. 

What Is That Pop During a Chiropractic Treatment Session?

During a Chiropractic adjustment, you may hear a strange popping sound. The sound can be terrifying for patients experiencing first-time chiropractic adjustments, but it can be a gratifying experience for those who know what it means. 

So, why does my body pop at the chiropractor? Spinal joints produce synovial fluid, which helps in lubrication and keeping the joints in good health. The formation of synovial fluid produces nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide as byproducts. 

During a chiropractic adjustment, the spinal joints separate slightly, leading to a pressure drop in the synovial fluid between joints. The process leads to releasing a gas bubble, producing the pop sound. 

A chiropractic adjustment will not affect your bones. Contrary to a common misconception, this sound doesn’t indicate bones crashing. The pop is usually a much-needed release. 

What to Expect at Your First Chiropractor Visit

If you have never visited a chiropractor before, several questions could be running through your mind:

The first chiropractic appointment usually focuses on the following three main areas:

why does my body pop at chiropractor

Patient History and Symptoms 

In preparation for your first chiropractic visit, your chiropractor will ask you to fill out forms providing background information about your condition and symptoms. 

You may need to explain when and how the pain started, where you feel the pain, and whether the pain is sharp, dull, burning, or throbbing. The chiropractor may also want to know if the pain is a result of an injury and what activities or situations make it worse or better. 

The Chiropractic Examination 

During your first chiropractic appointment, you will undergo a comprehensive examination that includes general tests like pulse, reflexes, and blood pressure. The chiropractic office may also perform specific neurological and orthopedic tests to assess the muscle tone and strength, neurological integrity, and the affected parts’ range of motion. 

Diagnostic Studies 

Depending on your history and chiropractic exam outcome, diagnostic studies may help diagnose your condition more accurately. An X-ray is the most common diagnostic study used in initial chiropractic exams, but it is not always necessary. 

An x-ray during an initial chiropractic assessment usually helps diagnose a recent trauma or spondyloarthritis. It may also help in studying a spinal deformity that may worsen over time, such as scoliosis. 

Once you’re through the initial assessment, your chiropractor will work closely with you to create a personalized treatment plan. The plan will consider several factors, including:

  • Your age
  • Overall health
  • Specific injury or illness
  • The cause of the illness or injury
  • When the illness or injury occurred

The treatment includes spinal adjustments that will take place at the chiropractor’s office. Besides the in-office treatment sessions, the chiropractor may also recommend various exercises to perform at home and tips for living healthily and avoiding further injuries. 

Benefits of a Chiropractic Adjustment 

You can expect numerous benefits after your first chiropractic adjustment and subsequent treatments:

Improved Mood

You’ll experience less body stress and better sleep quality after your first chiropractic adjustment. You will have reduced pain, and the ability to move more functionally, and your mood will likely improve as well. 

Furthermore, studies show a relationship between the spine and psychological disorders like depression. Many patients have experienced significant improvement in their depression symptoms after chiropractic treatment. 

Neck and Back Pain Relief

This benefit is perhaps the most common reason for seeking chiropractic treatment. At least 80% of U.S. adults will experience lower back pain at some point.

A chiropractic adjustment can significantly lower your neck and back pain. It is also more cost-effective than other pain management techniques. 

Improved Athletic Performance

You will enjoy boosted athletic performance with reduced pain and inflammation and improved flexibility. You will also be less susceptible to sports injuries after receiving preventive chiropractic treatments. 

Improved Blood Circulation in the Brain

A well-aligned spine promotes efficient blood flow in the entire body, including the brain. Improved blood flow in the brain is especially beneficial for individuals with neurological conditions like multiple sclerosis and epilepsy. 

Reduced Inflammation

Inflammation is among the major causes of pain, tension, and joint problems. Studies have shown that chiropractic adjustments can reduce inflammation, positively impacting your life. The benefits of reduced inflammation include reduced chronic lower back pain, joint pain relief, and improved muscle tension. 

Headache Relief

Spinal problems and back pain can lead to migraine and tension headaches. A misaligned back can result in pain and muscle tension, which can cause tension headaches and migraine headaches. 

A chiropractor can help relieve your headache. Over 200 studies have examined the effectiveness and benefits of chiropractic treatments for headache relief. 

Highly Experienced Chiropractors in the Sacramento Area

Now that you have the answer to why my body pop at the chiropractor and other questions regarding chiropractic adjustments, you should visit a reputable chiropractor for the best results. If your body doesn’t feel right and you’re in the Sacramento area, please visit Sunrise Chiropractic for a proper assessment. 

Dr. Doug Loehrer of Sunrise Chiropractic has provided high-quality chiropractic care to families, athletes, weekend warriors, and other joint pain patients in Citrus Heights, CA, for over 20 years. 

Contact Dr. Doug Loehrer (916) 727-6400 to learn more about chiropractic treatment and see if it can benefit your condition. 

How Does Scoliosis Affect the Body?

According to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS), scoliosis affects at least 2% of the population. This condition can develop in infancy or early childhood. But how does scoliosis affect the body?

This article explores what scoliosis is, how it affects the body, and how to best treat this condition.

What Is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a condition that affects the alignment of the back. While your spine has a natural curvature, an abnormal curvature veers lateral or sideways. If the curvature is lateral or at least ten degrees, you have scoliosis.

This condition may affect only a section of the spine, or it can stretch from one region to another. The curvature results from a subluxated joint and annulus on the concave side. This abnormal twisting plays an integral role in changing how the spine functions.

When you bend forward, your body should move straight down. However, when you have scoliosis, your spine won’t move in the same way as if it was straight. The curved spine will need to pivot on the subluxated levels, and the opposite structures will need to move more than normal to achieve the desired spinal movement.

Related: Lower Back Pain When Sneezing

What Are the Effects of Scoliosis on the Body?

how does scoliosis affect the body

Scoliosis can negatively affect your body in several ways, from skeletal deformities to mental health issues. Let’s explore some of the common scoliosis side effects.

Skeletal Deformities

Scoliosis can lead to noticeable asymmetries in the skeletal system, manifesting itself through the following external signs.

  • Uneven eye tilt
  • Inconsistent leg lengths
  • Asymmetrical hip alignment
  • Unevenly hanging clothes worn on the body
  • Protruding ribs on one side of your body
  • Slanting shoulders resting unevenly from left to right
  • A protruding shoulder blade that sticks out more prominently than the other

Painful Muscle Imbalances

There are three common types of scoliosis:

  • Idiopathic scoliosis is the most common type and has no identifiable cause.
  • Congenital scoliosis is present at birth.
  • Neuromuscular scoliosis is a direct effect of another underlying muscular or neurological problem.

The underlying disorders that lead to neuromuscular scoliosis may include spina bifida, cerebral palsy, and spinal cord injuries. The conditions cause the muscle to pull against the spine or lose its shape, eventually resulting in scoliosis.

Reproductive Issues in Females

Studies suggest that there is a link between scoliosis and irregular menstrual cycles. Other studies show that low progesterone levels and other female hormones may cause scoliosis. This correlation could explain why girls are ten times more susceptible to adolescent idiopathic scoliosis than boys.

Mental Health Impairment

The visible skeletal deformities resulting from scoliosis can also take a toll on your mental health. According to a study published in the Official Journal of the Danubian Psychiatric Association, individuals with scoliosis experience high levels of the following.

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Low self-esteem
  • Eating disorders
  • Anger and aggression
  • Self-harm and suicidality
  • Negative body image and body dysmorphia

Inefficient Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Circulation

Another common side effect of scoliosis is the impediment of CSF recirculation to the brain. Spinal complications, especially those that affect the neck, usually cause tension headaches. However, low levels of CSF in the brain can escalate a simple tension headache into a severe migraine.

Digestive System Issues

The unnatural curvature of the neck due to scoliosis can cause esophagus constriction, making it difficult to swallow. Scoliosis also causes compression of the stomach and intestines, resulting in the following digestive complications.

  • Constipation
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Inefficient absorption of essential nutrients
  • Fullness feeling before nutritional needs are satisfied
  • Uncomfortable stomach acid build-up, leading to nausea and acid reflux
  • Weight loss

Scoliosis can also result in osteoarthritis and degenerative complications in the spine, knees, and hips. In a more severe case, it may also compromise or cause severe damage to your internal organs.

Final Thoughts

Scoliosis causes the spine to curve abnormally, and it can have a range of adverse physical effects. The common side effects include skeletal deformities, muscle imbalances, reproductive issues, and mental health problems.

This condition can also cause digestive problems and long-term effects such as osteoarthritis and degenerative complications. If you struggle with scoliosis and are looking for a lasting remedy, Sunrise Chiropractic can help.

At Sunrise Chiropractic, we have over two decades of experience helping people deal with the effects of scoliosis in Citrus Heights, CA, and the surrounding areas.

How Many Chiropractic Sessions Do I Need?

Knowing how often you should visit your chiropractor is essential for maintaining the health of your neck, back, and more. “How many chiropractic sessions do I need?” is one of the most common questions we get from first-time patients. As people spend more time working with computers and less time on exercise and stretches, more and more people are seeking chiropractic treatment.

If you’ve been asking questions like “Can you go to the chiropractor too much?” or “How often should I get a chiropractic adjustment?”, unfortunately, there’s no clear-cut answer that applies to everyone.

Your recommended frequency of chiropractic visits depends on the severity of your condition and your mode of treatment. Call our medical team today for a consultation, and our experienced chiropractor, Dr. Doug Loehrer, will tell you how often you should get adjusted for optimal results.

Factors That Determine How Often You Should Visit the Chiropractor

Recent studies from the Georgetown Health Policy Institute reveal that around 65 million people in America experience nonspecific back pain now and then. About 16 million adults put up with chronic back pain daily without addressing the root of the problem. Back pain can severely affect professional and academic performance, becoming one of the leading causes of lost workdays.

If you’ve been thinking about getting weekly chiropractic adjustments, you’re already on your way to eliminating back, shoulder, and neck pain for good. Call us today, and we will ensure you get speedy treatment with no physical discomfort.

If you’re wondering, “How often should you go to the chiropractor?”, here are a few factors that will affect the frequency of your visits.

You May Find Helpful: Guide on How To Prepare Before Chiropractor 

Your Treatment Program

how many chiropractic sessions do I need

Most chiropractors have seven treatment programs that they recommend to the bulk of their patients. Our chiropractor at Sunrise Chiropractic, Dr. Doug Loehrer, has over 20 years of professional experience using a combination of these treatments to eliminate symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, relieve pain from allergies and osteoarthritis, and help patients recover from athletic injuries and car accidents.

Diversified Technique

Chiropractors employ the Diversified Technique to address three health issues:

  • Joint dysfunction in various parts of the body
  • Poor alignment of spinal discs
  • Reduced mobility and movement of appendages

The Diversified Technique consists of precise and careful hand thrusts to various body parts, realigning bones, joints, and limbs. Studies reveal that around 70% of chiropractic patients receive the Diversified Technique treatment plan.

Wondering, “How many chiropractic sessions do I need with this technique?” It usually requires 12 visits to work, but every patient is different.

Spinal Manipulation

Spinal manipulation is a gentler version of the Diversified Technique. It focuses on reducing inflammation, undue pressure on joints and limbs, and enhancing nerve function. Chiropractors also refer to spinal manipulation as manual therapy or spinal mobilization.

According to The Spine Journal, spinal manipulation usually requires 12 sessions over a 6-week treatment plan to work optimally.

Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression helps eliminate pain permanently for patients with herniated discs, sciatica, and worn spinal joints. A chiropractor will help you do gentle stretches to relieve negative pressure from your spinal discs, allowing oxygen, water, and nutrients to pass through and heal injuries. This treatment takes around 10 to 20 sessions.

The Gonstead Technique

The Gonstead Technique originates from 55 years of research and clinical practice experience by Dr. Clarence Gonstead. It involves an in-depth examination of the patient before application. The goal is to realign the spinal discs with the vertebrae, reducing nerve irritation and restoring utility to injured spinal joints.

The effects of the Gonstead Technique are instantaneous, but our clinicians will determine the frequency of your chiropractic visits according to the results of your preliminary checkup.

The Medical Devices Your Chiropractor Will Use

Thompson Drop-Table Technique

Chiropractors use an adjustable medical table with several segments and a precise weighing mechanism to apply the Thompson Drop-Table Technique, which people also call the Thompson Terminal Point Technique. They can raise one part of the table by a fraction of an inch and then drop them as they apply a hand thrust.

Your chiropractor may incorporate this technique for pain relief and improved joint function, reducing your total number of sessions.

Related: Chiropractic Table Adjustments

The Activator Method

The Activator Method utilizes a medical device called the Activator, which delivers controlled high-velocity, low-amplitude (HVLA) thrusts to massage and activate back and neck muscles without tensing them up. Many chiropractors incorporate the Activator into the Diversified Technique either as a diagnostic technique or treatment mechanism, which may reduce your number of visits.

Active Flexion-Distraction

The Active Flexion-Distraction procedure involves a Flexion table, which can flex horizontally and vertically to provide patients traction relief. Chiropractors use this technique to relieve leg and back pain for pregnant patients and ones with disc injuries from recent accidents. It generally does not affect your number of visits.

Why Do Chiropractors Require So Many Visits?

Many chiropractic treatments give patients immediate results, and some people don’t need to return after just one adjustment. However, different patients have different symptoms, and chiropractors often contend with numerous issues apart from physical discomfort:

  • Reduced range of motion and flexibility
  • Frequent migraines
  • Muscle pain and atrophy
  • Nonspecific tingling or piercing pains in various body parts
  • Pinched nerves

Chronic back, neck, shoulder, and spinal discomfort are often the product of years of unergonomic work desks, poor posture, and incorrect exercise movements. Healing joints, bones, nerves, and limbs requires time and patience.

Periodic chiropractic adjustments are often part of a holistic treatment program that involves regular stretching, using ergonomic pillows when sleeping, and avoiding certain athletic activities.

How Often Should You Get Adjusted by a Chiropractor?

A recent Gallup poll reveals 33 million Americans have been in a chiropractic office in the past 12 months. Chiropractic treatment is the first choice of over 66 million people for back, shoulder, and neck pain relief. Periodic back adjustments are a part of life for many Californians, and it’s a good idea to visit your chiropractor before your body provides you with a painful reason.

If you’re an athlete, blue-collar employee, or work in front of a computer for more than nine hours a day, our professionals recommend that you see a chiropractor at least once a month for long-term maintenance.

When to Stop Chiropractic Treatment

Dr. Doug Loehrer has strong professional relationships with physical therapists, pain management specialists, and spine surgeons in Sacramento County. Our clinic co-manages patients with these experts to determine their optimal treatment duration.

We recommend that patients stop chiropractic treatment if they:

  • Don’t experience an improvement within four weeks
  • Encounter increased pain after an initial adjustment
  • Have no remaining symptoms or discomfort

We may recommend maintenance adjustments to help select patients avoid recurring pain.

Call Us Today for a Consultation with an Expert Chiropractor

Sunrise Chiropractic is the number one source of safe and effective chiropractic adjustments and soft tissue therapy in Citrus Heights.

How Do Chiropractors Help Movers?

If you are asking yourself, “How do chiropractors help movers?” then you have come to the right place. Everyone knows that moving can be taxing and stressful. In addition to the hassle, there is the worry of the physical demands that often leave you feeling sore after moving.

While moving, you are constantly lifting and moving heavy furniture. Such arduous activity is bound to take its toll on the body, especially if you are out of shape. People often experience back pain after moving furniture, or even worse, pull a muscle or herniate a disk.

In the unfortunate circumstance that you do injure your lower back after lifting furniture, you should schedule an appointment with a chiropractor immediately.

A chiropractic adjustment is a treatment option available to any individual who is experiencing upper or lower back pain. A certified chiropractor uses precise bone manipulation and adjusts the joints to provide pain relief.

What Does a Chiropractor Do?

You may have some vague idea of what a chiropractor does but haven’t looked into the details. You probably assume they help with back or neck pain, which is true, but you are uncertain about how they help with the pain. You might even be wondering, “How do chiropractors know where to adjust?”

Such questions are all important because they give you a better understanding of what chiropractors do and how they can help you. When you have a better grasp of their methods and treatments, you can make an informed decision on how they can help your specific needs.

Chiropractors are trained health professionals who focus on spinal manipulation to provide pain relief. Individuals who have back, muscle or joint pain go to a chiropractor to help reduce pain and improve their range of motion. Choosing to see a chiropractor is a great alternative to medicine and can even eliminate the need for surgery.

With specific techniques, chiropractors apply pressure and use swift and sudden movements. This quick application of pressure helps adjust your joints and relieve pain. Once your joints are manipulated, your body becomes properly aligned.

Once your body is properly aligned, you will not only feel better but your joints and back will function better as well.

How Do Chiropractors Help Movers?

how do chiropractors help movers

Now that you know what a chiropractor does, you may have a better idea of how they can help movers. Moving into a new home or apartment requires not only lots of heavy lifting but also lots of continuous movement. Moreover, moving often involves maneuvering furniture up and downstairs, increasing the risk of injury and back pain.

There are large pieces of furniture and a plethora of heavy boxes that need to be packed and walked to the car or truck. The back and forth from the building to the car, then to the new home, requires the use of muscles you may not engage very often, causing you to become sore after moving.

If you experience back pain after moving furniture, it is time to call a chiropractor. They will assess your pain and create a treatment plan for your needs. Once treatment is decided, the chiropractor will manipulate your spine, ultimately lessening your pain or discomfort.

Related: What Happens To The Spine During A Chiropractic Adjustment

Can a Chiropractor Put My Back or Neck “Back in Place?”

If you are experiencing lower back pain from moving furniture, something may feel off or “out of place.” You may even ask your chiropractor whether they can move your back in place. While this terminology is common when speaking of back and neck pain, it does not accurately describe what happens when you visit the chiropractor.

There is continuous research being studied and developed on spinal alignment. None of this research suggests that injuries treated by a chiropractor can be moved “back in place.” So, if nothing in your back has moved out of place, what exactly has happened?

When you are experiencing back pain, it is actually due to a limited range of motion, an unusual feeling of tension, or some type of pain. It is not because a bone, joint, or vertebrae is out of place. Your chiropractor will manipulate the vertebrae and the joints to provide pain relief.

The Importance of Seeing Your Chiropractor Regularly

Chances are you know a family member, friend, or coworker who goes to the chiropractor regularly.

You might have never given much thought as to why they go so often, even if they are not in a great deal of pain. What you probably do not know is that going to a chiropractor regularly is the best way to know whether you have any misalignments.

If you are a professional mover, lifting heavy items every day begins to wear down the body. The rigorous and demanding activity involved in moving can lead to long-term upper or lower back pain. When you have a highly physical job, it is important to take care of your joints and try to be as preventive as you can about an injury.

When you frequently visit a chiropractor, they help you maintain a strong core and proper alignment. When you are balanced and strong, the risk of injury or developing back pain from moving furniture decreases.

Steps to Take to Get the Most Out of Your Chiropractic Visits

It is important to continue care after your chiropractic appointments. This allows you to get the most out of each treatment. There are many simple steps to take that will increase your results and overall health.

After an appointment, be sure to keep your back straight to ensure your muscles stay in the correct place. Having a good balance and maintaining a moderately active lifestyle also aids in keeping healthy joints.

When you exercise, your body produces lubrication that helps with tight muscles. Stretching before exercise is equally important as it helps elongate the muscles. While visiting a chiropractor is the right step to take for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, it is helpful to take additional steps to get the best results.

When Is It Time to Call an Experienced Chiropractor?

If you are planning on moving or have recently moved and are experiencing back pain after moving furniture, it is time to call Sunrise Chiropractic in the Citrus Heights, California, area. The continuous strain on your back from the persistent moving of furniture and heavy boxes wears on your back and joints. Seeing an experienced chiropractor can get you the relief you are looking for.

Dr. Doug Loehrer is an experienced chiropractor who has helped many patients suffering from back pain. He will create a course of treatment that is tailored to your needs.

Dr. Doug Loehrer at Sunrise Chiropractic is here to provide relief for strained muscles and back pain as a result of moving large and heavy objects. He is the most trusted and dependable chiropractor in the Citrus Heights area.

If you are experiencing constant back pain after moving or lifting heavy furniture, it is time to call Sunrise Chiropractic in Citrus Heights, CA, at (916) 727-6400. Our experienced team is here to help treat your pain and improve the function of your back. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

What Happens To The Spine During Chiropractic Adjustment

There seem to be some misconceptions when it comes to chiropractors and, more specifically, what happens to the spine during chiropractic adjustment sessions. Whether you’re considering seeing a chiropractor or have heard from friends and family about the wonders of chiropractic care, you might want to learn more about what happens at the chiropractor.

Chiropractic treatments are a common choice for those seeking effective pain management options. Chiropractic care is based on the concept of your body naturally healing with the help of joint manipulation. Through seeking this type of treatment, people have reported pain relief, high satisfaction, and improved athletic performance.

What Is a Chiropractic Adjustment?

So, what does a chiropractic adjustment do? Chiropractic adjustments refer to when a chiropractor physically adjusts your joints by applying a quick and controlled force. Chiropractic adjustments aim to promote movement, correct a misalignment, or release pressure on nerves.

There are a variety of methods that chiropractors can use for chiropractic realignments. Whether your chiropractor uses their hands to realign the joints or a drop table, the objective of these procedures is to restore your body’s alignment and allow for natural healing.

Related: What Toxins Are Released After Chiropractic Adjustment

What Happens During a Chiropractic Adjustment?

During your visit to the chiropractor, you can expect to answer questions about your health history as well as undergo a physical exam. During this assessment, the chiropractic will examine you, focusing on things like your posture, joint movements, and muscle imbalances. This assessment will help the chiropractor determine where the spine requires adjustments.

You may be wondering: What happens when a chiropractor adjusts your back? During a chiropractic adjustment, your chiropractor may use different methods to adjust your joints. Typically, the chiropractor will use controlled, low amplitude pushes to the joint to realign your spine. Chiropractic adjustments are sometimes followed by a popping or cracking sound, which comes from the release of gas in your joints.

Every treatment is customized to that specific patient. People will see the chiropractor for various reasons, so your chiropractor will work to ensure that the treatment you’re receiving is tailored to your body and needs.

Do Back Adjustments Work?

what happens to the spine during chiropractic adjustment

If you’re looking to treat low back pain, turning to chiropractic adjustments may be an effective solution to make you more comfortable. The results of any chiropractic adjustment will vary from person to person. People will seek chiropractor care for a variety of reasons, so it may take time to determine whether they’re effective for you. However, if you’re not seeing any positive changes after weeks of chiropractic treatments, chiropractic care may not be the most effective solution for you.

Related: How Long Does A Chiropractic Adjustment Take To Work?

Why Do Chiropractic Adjustments Work?

The objective of chiropractic adjustments is to improve your body’s physical function. This process can help reduce pain by stimulating the nervous system to reduce pain signals from your joints. Simply put, your body interprets restricted joint movement as joint pain, so by releasing the gas in your joints, chiropractors are able to remove the restricted joint movement, thus leading to reduced back pain.

Related: What Is Subluxation Of The Spine? 

What Happens to Your Spine During Chiropractic Adjustments?

chiropractic adjustment

To answer the question about what happens to the spine during chiropractic adjustments, it’s important to understand the cause of misalignments. There are various reasons why your joints may move out of alignment, including injuries, poor posture, and repetitive motions.

Regardless of the cause of the tension in your body, you can probably benefit from adjustments. They will help improve the adjustment of the spine, allowing for tension relief in the body. The release of gas from the joints encourages the spine to move properly, allowing you to leave with better physical function and less pain.

Whether you’re experiencing pain in the lower back, hip, knees, or neck, adjustments from your chiropractor can aid in pain management and help you establish better posture. Chiropractic care allows the body to naturally heal itself, leading to better movement and a less restricted lifestyle.

Consistent visits with the chiropractor help ensure that your body will eventually return to its proper alignment. Over time, your body will find it easier to hold your joints in the proper position, so you can live without pain, weakness, or limited movement.

Related: How Do Chiropractors Help Movers?

Highly Experienced Chiropractors in the Sacramento Area

Chiropractic care is a reliable pain management option for those looking to regain movement and proper alignment. With over 20 years of experience, Sunrise Chiropractic is a trusted chiropractic office in Citrus Heights. From families to athletes and weekend warriors, Dr. Doug Loehrer has been providing chiropractic care to the Sacramento Area for anyone experiencing joint pain.

If you want to learn more about what happens to your spine during a chiropractic adjustment, or if you’re looking for an experienced and professional chiropractor, contact Dr. Doug Loehrer at Sunrise Chiropractic today.

The History of Chiropractic

Millions of Americans suffering from back pain visit chiropractors every year for pain relief. Whether their pain results from sports injuries, accidents, or muscle strains, more and more people are turning to chiropractic care.

Let’s take a look at what chiropractic care is, what it involves, and learn a little about the history of chiropractic medicine.

What Is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic is a type of health care involving manual therapy that utilizes the body’s ability to heal itself. The profession operates on the theory that by properly aligning your body’s musculoskeletal structure, especially your spine, it can heal itself without medication or surgery.

What Does It Entail?

Chiropractors use various treatments like hands-on spinal manipulation — this can return mobility to joints that are restricted by tissue injury from traumatic events, such as accidents or repetitive stress.

Treatment plans often involve several adjustments where your doctor manipulates your joints using a controlled, sudden force. This force helps improve your range of motion. Your chiropractor might also incorporate exercise and nutritional counseling into your treatment plan.

What Is the History of Chiropractic Care?

daniel david palmer

Chiropractic comes from cheir and praktos, Greek words meaning hand and done, respectively. Though you can trace manual healing methods back to ancient times, it wasn’t until 1895 that the chiropractic profession began taking shape in the United States.

That was the year when Daniel David Palmer, the founder of chiropractic, adjusted a deaf janitor’s spine and claimed that the adjustment restored the janitor’s hearing.

Palmer never claimed to be the first person to use manipulation to cure diseases. However, he did claim to be the first to use certain contacts as short-leverage points to make more specific spinal adjustments.

Shortly after that, Palmer created the first chiropractic school in Davenport, Iowa, where he and others refined chiropractic manual adjustment techniques. They also studied how to use manual manipulation to relieve pain.

Early Years

The early years of chiropractors’ history created a significant deal of tension between this new approach and conventional allopathic medicine. While statutes to practice were not established until later, many chiropractors continued serving their patients.

In fact, until the 1960s, chiropractors were commonly fined or jailed for practicing without a license.

However, the U.S. government started funding chiropractic research in 1966 through the National Institutes of Health, paving the way for the profession to receive millions of dollars in federal funding.

national institute of health

Integration Into Healthcare Plans

The following years saw chiropractors begin forming professional societies that would launch efforts to standardize teaching and support new research. The official recognition of the Council on Chiropractic Education by the Department of Education in 1974 was the beginning of an increase in accredited chiropractic colleges.

With a growing body of supporting research, chiropractic care was added to several healthcare systems and private and public healthcare plans.

In 1972, spinal manipulation was included in Medicare. Two years later, it became a benefit in the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program. Today, it is a benefit in most state workers’ compensation programs.

Chiropractic Care Today

chiropractor adjusting baby

While the chiropractic profession has reached new heights since then, it continues to grow. At the moment, there are over 70,000 licensed chiropractors in the United States practicing in major hospital systems, multidisciplinary clinics, and solo practices.

Though spinal manipulation remains a centerpiece in chiropractic care, today’s chiropractors are developing various new practice styles. These styles feature flexible modalities and therapies that promise to address patients’ needs better.

Many of them are implementing a holistic approach to your health care — an approach that primarily excludes surgery or drugs.

Quality Chiropractic Treatment

From contested beginnings to being one of the most sought-after pain relief treatments, the history of chiropractic is still being written. Today, more and more people are lauding the effectiveness of this treatment for dealing with a wide range of pain.

For instance, besides acute back pain, patients are using chiropractic care to address headaches and neck pain. Research also shows that fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis might respond to the moderate pressure of chiropractic adjustments.

If you are in the Citrus Heights area and require a licensed, expertly trained, and experienced chiropractor, reach out to Sunrise Chiropractic for practical solutions to your pain.

What Type Of Sports Injuries Are Treated By A Chiropractor?

We’re all familiar with chiropractors treating issues related to the neck and back. While this is indeed a large part of what chiropractors do, they also help athletes treat damage from sudden injuries or prolonged activity playing a sport.

Here are some examples of what type of sports injuries are treated by a chiropractor.

What Can a Sports Medicine Chiropractor Do?

If you’re an athlete, you certainly understand the harsh physical demands on your body required to play your chosen sport. Not only can a sports medicine chiropractor help treat a chiropractic sports injury, but they can also help to prevent them from happening. The goal is long-term improvement and healing, no matter your condition.

Why Choose a Chiropractor?

While other medical experts serve as great assets for athletes and others, sports chiropractors specialize in the parts of the body affected most by being an athlete. Chiropractic sports medicine is often used to both improve performance, heal injuries, and prevent damage. They specialize in injuries involving the ankle, knee, shoulder, back, and neck, which can be commonly injured or damaged while playing sports.

They also work to improve the adjustment of the spine, which lines up and balances your bones. This achieves tension relief in the body, allowing it to be less susceptible to injury in the first place.

Unfortunately, sometimes an injury is inevitable. If you’ve ever played sports, you’ll know that being injured isn’t just physically painful but frustrating since you will need time and treatment before you can get back into practice. However, you will heal faster when you work with a professional chiropractor. The chiropractors will give you plenty of guidance toward fast healing, which may include stretches you do as you ease back into training.

What Conditions Can a Sport Injury Chiropractors Treat?

chiropractor adjusting leg


Dislocation is when the bones forming a joint become separated. It usually occurs when athletes play high-impact contact sports. When it comes to chiropractor sports injuries, dislocation can be one of the most painful. Sharp, intense pain is common, and it can often take a significant amount of time to heal properly.

When a dislocation happens, it isn’t just the joints that are damaged. Nerves surrounding the area also have the potential to be damaged, so immediate treatment is best. Typically, this healing process could take several weeks, depending on the severity, location, and any history of injury in the same area.

Sports injury chiropractors will use both long-term and immediate strategies to optimize healing. For example, a dislocated joint may be put back into place, but repairing the ligaments in that area is essential for complete healing and takes time.

Shin Splints

Sports injury chiropractors see a lot of shin splints over their careers, especially from runners. Simply, these occur when there is pain along the shin bone or tibia. Those who work in the chiropractor and sports medicine field advise against certain behaviors to keep the likelihood of getting shin splints low, including:

  • Not warming up or stretching before running
  • Running or practicing too often without proper rest
  • Running on hard surfaces
  • Wearing shoes that aren’t supportive enough

Achilles Tendon Injuries

When it comes to sports injuries, chiropractic sports doctors also often treat injuries to the Achilles tendon. This tendon runs from the heel to the calf muscle can be torn or stretched. Much like with shin splints, this often happens due to overuse or neglecting to stretch.

While shin splints are painful, they aren’t quite as serious as a tear to your Achilles tendon. Sports chiropractors say this injury could potentially be season-ending, leading to long-term treatment by a sports medicine chiropractor.

Swollen Muscles

If exposed to repeated injuries or long-term overuse, it’s common for muscles to swell and form a hard membrane called a fascia. Unfortunately, this doesn’t leave any room for these muscles to swell further, painfully constricting them inside the body. Chiropractic sports medicine experts often call this compartment syndrome.

Not only is this extremely painful, but both blood vessels and nerves in those areas are put under intense pressure. This could cause harm to the muscle itself, making it weaker and permanently damaged in some cases.

Knee Injuries

Knee injuries are another very common chiropractor injury and can potentially cause lifelong complications for athletes. For example, runner’s knee is a common condition amongst runners, resulting in pain around the knee cap or even tendinitis.

In terms of more serious chiropractor sports injuries, damage to the knee could also potentially cause the bone to bruise or ligaments and cartilage to deteriorate. In addition, all four ligaments that support the knee can potentially become damaged while playing sports.

Like many others on this list, chiropractors and sports medicine experts agree that failure to warm up properly and overuse as the main causes of injuries to the knee.

Strains and Sprains

When ligaments become too stretched and tear, this results in a sprain. These ligaments connect your bones, so sprains exclusively happen in the joints. Most commonly, this chiropractic sports injury occurs in the wrist or ankle.

Strains, on the other hand, happen when a tendon or muscle is torn. Tendons connect bones to muscles, and when these are stretched too far, you experience a strain. Chiropractic sport medicine experts site strains in the hamstrings or back as the most common.

Both sprains and strains result in painful swelling and the inability to move the injured area for a certain amount of time.


You really can’t go wrong with seeing a chiropractor to treat or prevent a sports injury. Pushing through the pain to continue playing the sport you love may seem tempting, but doing so could potentially cause irreversible harm to your body.

Chiropractors specialize in the exact type of healing your body needs after an injury. You can even take advantage of specialized sports massages, which promote healthy blood flow and warm up your muscles.

No matter if you’re suffering from one of the injuries mentioned above or just want to keep yourself in the best shape possible and are in the Sacramento, CA, area, scheduling an appointment with a trusted sports chiropractor, is a great idea for any athlete.

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